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    Holiday without COVID-19

    This summer will be different, but it doesn't mean that we can't continue enjoying our holidays, we just have to adapt them to the new circumstances.

    If you are a sea lover, we r...

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    Christmas in Spain

    Christmas is certainly a very special date. Some avoid it, and others wait for it throughout the year, but there is no denying that places are transformed and have a special character during these days. It is most us...

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    Wellness retreat in Costa Brava

    Are you one of those people who begins your holiday without energy? Most of us need a holiday to disconnect from our daily routine. Our lives have a fast pace, we do not stop to pamper and take care of ourselves, n...

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    Barcelona, a magical city

    What are we going to tell you about Barcelona? Obviously, that it is a wonderful city!

    It is a fascinating Mediterranean city; it is cosmopolitan and full of life and history in eve...

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